News » microgreens

Introducing Salad Supreme!

Introducing Salad Supreme!

We would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the other “supreme” in our lineup: Salad Supreme Microgreen Kits!  These microgreen kits have Triton Radish, Broccoli and Kale, which...

The mostly true and very exciting introduction to Curly Cress microgreens by Ugrogreens.

Curly cress microgreens are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They are especially rich in vitamin C, which supports immune health, and vitamin K, which is important for bone health....
The mostly true and very exciting introduction to Curly Cress microgreens by Ugrogreens.
The true story of Arugula Microgreens  (may be interspersed with some not so true facts as well).

The true story of Arugula Microgreens (may be interspersed with some not so true facts as well).

Arugula has been used by Mediterranean foodies for centuries (even in those times when they beheaded people for calling someone a foodie). Arugula microgreens have a distinctive peppery flavour and...

Introducing Sandwich Supreme!

We went through a few different names like “Whoa- thats pretty good”, “That’s an unbelievable Sandwich”, “That’s like really really good”.  While all these names were really really good, none...
Introducing Sandwich Supreme!
The power of Micro Herbs!

The power of Micro Herbs!

Whether you are a culinary enthusiast, a health conscious foodie or someone who just likes a lot of flavour, micro herbs/microgreens are for you!

Pourquoi les microgreens fraîchement coupés sont meilleurs que les microgreens emballés au magasin

Il y a une nette différence entre les micro-verts achetés en magasin et ceux fraîchement coupés.
Why Fresh cut Microgreens are Better than Packaged Microgreens at the Store
5 of Our All-Time Favourites Microgreens!!

5 de nos Microgreens préférés de tous les temps !!

Quelques-uns de nos micro-verts préférés.

Je veux cultiver mes propres plantes ! Où dois-je commencer ?

Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur la culture des microgreens est ici.
I Want to Grow My Own! Where Do I Start?
Microgreens…for chefs?!

Des micro-verts... pour les chefs !

Nous avons commencé à UgroGreens en cultivant des micro-verts pour les chefs !