The Story of Hugo Green’s Greens Part Four
The next morning, the village people (still NOT the ones who sang YMCA) woke up and saw the gift on their front porch. They were greatly surprised, as they did not hear when Hugo, Hugo, and Hugo knocked on their doors last night - they were all busy singing Macho Man by the Village People. (which, by the way, happens to be the same people that sang YMCA)
They opened the gifts and were quite bewildered by what they saw inside - what sort of gift was this? they wondered. Inside each box was a package of seeds, a grow mat, and some instructions. There was a QR code on the instructions, but since the Internet was still at least 1,000 years away from existing, nobody was able to view the file. Instead, they had to read and follow the instructions.
So read and follow the instructions they did, and they were able to grow and eventually eat some of those delicious plants - on January 3, in the year 1024. Now the village people (not the ones who sang Macho Man) were at a loss as to what these delicious plants should be called, so a contest was called by the village elder - everyone would send in a name, and the village elders would decide as to what these delicious little plants would be called.
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